central florida artist

Learning to play with earth pigments

I’m currently in a learning process, trying to figure out the next step in my art practice, and that includes getting to know how earth pigments works. You see, I have always suffer from sensitive skin, I can’t even use things with perfume, none natural soaps are bad for me, and let’s not talk about harsh chemicals.

When I was in College I developed this skin reaction to some paints and inks in my silkscreen printing class. It began in one finger and then spread a little. Now and then I get skin irritation in the same finger, but since I began painting again full time a couple of years back, my hand irritation just got out of control. I use gloves the majority of the time, but sometimes I forget if I get in zone of if I’m giving a workshop.

Last year was the worst it has ever been, It even spread to my other hand. So a couple of months back, I decide to go to the doctor, and he told me I’m having contact with something that is aggravating the situation, and the only thing I thought, was acrylic paint. So he prescribe a fungus cream and some oral antibiotic. I took the medicine and I haven’t touch my acrylics in a long time, just some gauche now and then for some art journaling. And let me tell you, the skin is almost 80% better. This is something good and sad at the same time, because I know it will affect my art practice if I want to improve the skin condition.

I began researching methods for creating art that did not include touching paint. I did an art piece with found textiles, and it really sparked my curiosity, so I planned to do more of it. I also discovered natural earth pigments, and in a resent trip to Mexico (which I will blog soon) I went to a textile artist studio that dyed his wool with 100% natural pigments, and I was blown away. Is what I want to continue to study and learn, painting with something that will not harm my skin.

I know the process of experimenting will take time. I know it wont be the same as painting with acrylics. But I’m exited to see what will come out of my home studio. It’s a new process, the unknown, getting to understand what plants works better for ink and dyes, what minerals I can collect locally for some pigments. How to work with the right mordants and binders so the pieces last, etc etc.

So stay close, I will keep you posted of my discoveries!!!!! Have a great weekend!!

The process of making art

What is my creative process? Well, is not as fancy as a lot of people think. My process starts by convincing myself that I can do it, that I am enough, that it doesn’t matter if I ruined the canvas, that I have to just have fun. And then, this battle with myself starts, the one that is trying to win over technique and just focus on expression.

Not everyday I feel like painting, but I just show up, make a mark, and see what it leads me to. Creative expression is a battle with what you already know and what you are just about to learn. Is taking a breath, take a seat and jut stare at the painting, question your every move, and letting go of control.

At the end, it doesn’t matter who wins, the only thing that matters is that you survived and you need to get ready for the next one.