
Vibrant colorful art

I have updated my shop with two new pieces.  One is a print of vibrant red lips, the other one an original colorful eye...maybe I'm missing the nose? I need to work on that...

I'm trying to paint whenever I can and getting my series full of new work.  I find myself having ideas while I paint, and I tend to forget, that it is while working and painting,  that we exercise our creativity to the fullest.

Thanks for stopping!!!!

Expressing through art journal

Lately, my art journal has taken a lot of action.  Specially with all this storms an Hurricanes coming to Puerto Rico and Florida.  There is nothing more soothing than to take your art materials and let go in the blank pages an art journal.

First Irma, now Maria....but lets keep our positive thoughts, and everything will be alright.  In this pages, I first draw, and then painted...a stream of words just just came natural after I finish to paint.  Is like the perfect ending of the story my hear wishes to express.

A mal tiempo...buena cara... that's how we puertorricans say.  Stay Safe!

How do you manage your stress my friends?.......