

My abuela used to cure everything with herb teas and sobos. I still remember when she gather the poleo to make tea for stomach pain. If you got muscle pain, Guanabana leaf tea is the key, etc etc.

Now that I am in my healing journey, I have embrace the curandera in me. I do it by instinct and with ancestral knowledge. I read books, or call my abuela to ask for guidance.

My abuela’s memorie is fading away, and it has been a real struggle for my family in Puerto Rico. Caring for someone with signs of dementia is painful and exhausting.

For now, I will remember her teachings, and honor her ways. One of those teachings is the power of teas. Nature is wise, and has all we need to heal ourselves.

Here is one of my favorite recipes for when you have a cold.

The tea is equal parts of:

-Dry ginger (or fresh if you prefer)

-Cinnamon (not grounded)




-Lemon grass

Mix together and prepare your tea! Water should be almost to a boiling point but not boiling.


Ginger: Its volatile oils have anti-inflammatory properties similar to those of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which makes it an excellent remedy for flu, headaches and menstrual pains.

Cinnamon: Is antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory.

Chamomile: The flowers from chamomile tea are key in helping you sleep. Chamomile plants have flavonoids in the petals which have a tranquilizing reaction. The tea also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it offers extra benefits while drinking this tea. (not recommended while pregnant)

Peppermint: The menthol in the peppermint leaves can have a slight anesthetic effect on your throat, suppressing your cough (which is why peppermint appears in many cough drops). Plus, scientists from the USDA report that when tested in a lab, peppermint has been found to have significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities.

Hibiscus: loaded with antioxidants, hibiscus is also rich in vitamin C and iron. Both properties help the immune system stay balanced and fight bacteria, helping you ditch a cold or flu more quickly.

Lemmon Grass: Lemongrass has antibacterial and antifungal properties that helps your body cope with cold, fever and flu symptoms. As an antipyretic, it contains certain chemical components that increases sweating, which brings down fevers while also flushing out toxins from the body.

*Disclaimer: Please do your own research about this herbs, you can be allergic to some. I’m not a medical professional or a certified herbalist. I do my own research and follow family recipes.

Batida de Frutas y Col Rizada (Kale)

Esta fácil receta, (que no es tan receta), forma parte de mi rutina casi diaria.  La preparo con frutas del País como la Papaya, guineo y mango para endulzar.  Pero el ingrediente más importante es la Col Rizada o "Kale".  

¿Sabias que el Kale tiene Omega 3 y vitamina K? fuentes vitales con cualidades antiinflamatorias.  Si padeces de Fibromialgia, una dieta alta en kale, es altamente recomendada...y pues, yo batallo la Fibromialgia, ella no me va a ganar, aunque sea una guerra de kale le voy a dar. 

La receta es sencilla, la preparo con leche de almendras y la tomo en la mañana, así no tengo excusas.  Es una forma saludable de comenzar el día.  He padecido de bajas y altas de peso toda mi vida, causada por distintas razones médicas.  Es por eso que trato de comer saludable, sin cantarme de santa divinidad de las reinas saludable....(ese título esta bueno para una novela). 

Te invito a probarla.. 
Batida de Frutas y Kale 
(Rinde 2 vasos.) 

  • 1  1/2 taza de leche de almendras 
  • 1 taza de papaya en trozos 
  • 2 a 3 hojas de col rizado (Kale) 
  • 1/4 taza de Mango 
  • 1 guineo 
  • canela y vainilla a gusto 

Coloca los ingredientes en un procesador de alimentos y bate hasta que se incorpore todo.